Agile as Organizational Therapy

November 11, 2015 § Leave a comment

Agile is a meaningless buzzword for many because it is perceived as an answer in search of a question.  Too often, Agile is “cargo-culted” into an organization as an imposed process without first developing a deep understanding of what problems need to be solved.  True progress only happens when the solution is aligned with the problems people actually care about.

To make that happen, we need to take our organizations though a therapeutic process of surfacing and dealing with the hidden pains and frustrations than prevent top performance.  The good news is that we could use the same principles of agile to get us there.

  1. Agree on a Vision
  2. Define a Deliverable
  3. Commit to a Process

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Best Practices for Design in Agile

August 7, 2015 § 1 Comment

A Bibliography, mostly discussing UX Design but a little on the related issue of Architectural Design.

A Universal Problem Solving Process

February 6, 2014 § Leave a comment

  1. Feel Concern
  2. Frame Question
  3. Find Authority
  4. Interpret Answer
  5. Implement Solution

Back up as needed and repeat until concern is fully addressing.

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